Positive About The Right Things
The world positive comes from the root word "posit" which means to assume or to affirm. When you posit something, you assume it to be a fact.
Your mind is actually an affirming machine, and your beliefs about yourself and your world are what your mind affirms all day long. That is why positive affirmations are so powerful. They are food for the hungry mind. Your mind has a voracious appetite for affirmations that it can devour and repeat.
Positive Thinking is actually affirmative thinking. Jesus understood this fact, and that is why he said, "As you believe, so shall it be done unto you." You don't get what you want. You get what you expect. What you affirm eventually becomes a part of your life.
Your brain spends its time affirming everything that you believe to be true. It affirms what you can and cannot do. Even if a positive affirmation never crosses your lips, your brain still repeats affirmations all day long, because that is the way the brain works.
Although the brain is a supercharged affirming machine, it doesn't do a good job of discriminating between affirmations that are true and false, constructive and destructive. That is your job.
If you fill your mind with positive, loving, constructive thoughts, your brain affirms those thoughts. If you fill your mind with negative, dysfunctional, destructive thoughts, your brain does an awesome job of affirming those thoughts as well.
When you fill your mind with negative toxic waste, you plant the seeds of your own destruction, because you have just given your brain everything it needs to destroy your life.
Make no mistake about it. Your brain is thinking positively all the time. It affirms everything you put into your mind regardless of whether it is good or bad.
Positive thining works for or against you depening on how you use it. If you are positively positive, then your brain affirms positive things. If you are positively negative, your brain affirms negative things. But either way, you are doing positive thinking because that is the way your mind works. Whether you like it or not, you are a positive affirming machine.
You have the privilege of choosing exactly what your brain affirms. You get to choose whether those affirmations will be good or bad, constructive or destructive. Once you make that choice, the brain goes to work.
The brain is a superb affirming machine that you cannot turn off. It starts collecting affirmations on the day you are born, and continues collecting them until the day you die. The affirming machine is an eternal presence that never goes away, and it makes your life better or worse depending on the choices you make.
When depression takes over, your mind starts affirming negative things. The depressed mind affirms an endless litany of negative thoughts that are twisted distortions of the truth. But depression doesn't care. Depression never lets the facts or the truth get in the way when it is trying to destroy a life.
The problem with depression is that it is positive about things that are simply untrue, and that is why depression is so destructive. It always affirms negative things and makes your life worse.
If you want to win the battle against depression, you will have to stop affirming the wrong things, and start affirming the right things You must demand equal time for your positive affirmations. Better yet, repeat two positive affirmations for every negative one generated by your depressed mind.
Make no mistake about it. Whether you like it or not, your mind is going to spend it's time repeating affirmations. Make sure that those affirmations are positive, and that they make your life better.
When you get your affirmations right, you can say good-bye to a negative mind.
If you want to have a mind free from depression, nobody can stop you.