Zero Tolerance To Negative Thinking

Eradicate Depression 1

Eradicate Depression 6

It's time to eradicate depression from your mind. It's not going to be easy, but it's not impossible. Every day you must decide to not be depressed and take actions that move your life in a positive direction. The first step in winning the battle against depression is believing there is hope. The second step is learning to control your mental focus. The war for a positive mind is fought on the battlefield of focus. A persistently positive focus creates a consistently positive mind.

Positive Books
Dr. Dave has written twelve positive thinking eBooks that you need to have in your mind. Send your mind a positive message today.
Positive Thinking Bookstore
Positive Thinking Doctor
The wheel of changes always turns in the direction of what you put into your mind. If you want to have a positive mind, nobody can stop you.
Positive Thinking Doctor

Graphic Seminar To Eradicate Depression From Your Mind

100 Positive Graphics To Help Eradicate Depression From Your Mind

A positive mind isn't an accident; it's something you do on purpose.

In order to have a positive mind, you need to reestablish command and control over your mind and develop a persistently positive focus. It's not enough to stop thinking negative depressing thoughts. You must also fill your mind with positive things.

You are not helpless, and your life is not hopeless.

Depression doesn’t go away on its own. If you want to get better and stay better, it’s up to you to make it happen. No one else can do it for you. You are the only one who can tack an eviction notice on the door of your mind and send depression packing.

Your journey out of the Land of Depression begins with a single step. It's time to take that step and head in a new direction. A new beginning creates a new ending. Every new thought that you put into your mind changes the course of your life. New thoughts create new emotions, and when you keep at it, you become a different person with a new life. You get a new way of thinking, feeling and living.

These positive graphics are not a substitute for treatment by a qualified professional. If you are seriously depressed, you need to have evaluation and treatment by a qualified professional. If you are having suicidal thoughts, it is mandatory that you have immediate professional attention.

Problems Are Inevitable - Depression Is Optional

Positive thinking is the right type of thinking. It is the natural software for your mind and is the most efficient way to run your brain. It's the way God designed for your mind to work.

When you control your focus, you control your thoughts and emotions.

Positive focus gives you powerful leverage over your mind. When you focus on a thought, it forces your mind to look in the direction of that thought. When you consistently focus on a thought for weeks and months, your life moves in that direction.

Looking for the good is like prospecting for gold in a gold mine. The gold is there, but you must look for it to find it.

Make yourself into a mental millionaire by consistently looking for the good in every area of your life.

You don't get what you want. You get what you expect.

Whatever you do, you must do it with all your mind, all your heart, and all your strength.

You are made in the image of God. You are a reflection of God's creative love. You are the apple of God's eye. You are one of a kind. When God looks at you, He looks with eyes of love.

Since God loves and accepts you as you are, it's ok for you to feel good about yourself. If it's good enough for God, it should be good enough for you.

Where you are now isn't that important. Where you are going is what really counts.

Eradicate Depression #1

Emotions no more reflect the facts of life than shadows from the clouds control the sun that create them. The shadow of emotion must not control your life.

Eradicate Depression #2

Ignore the feelings of life and focus on the facts.

Eradicate Depression #3

What you focus on expands into your mind. Depression's negative focus causes negativity to expand into your life.

Eradicate Depression #4

What you put into your mind affects the chemistry of your brain. When you put in positive things, you push the chemistry in a positive direction.

Eradicate Depression #5

When your heart is full of emotions consistent with God's love, your emotions are healthy, and your heart is exactly the way God means for it to be.

Eradicate Depression #7

Who you are now doesn't matter nearly so much as who you will become when the power of God's love rolls through your heart and mind and makes you into a new person with a new life.

Eradicate Depression #8

The love you send to others comes multiplied back to you. The more you send to others, the better your life becomes.

Eradicate Depression #9

The moment you assume command and control your mental focus, the battle against depression shifts in your favor.

Eradicate Depression #10

What you put into your mind is important because it changes who you are. What others put in is equally important because it changes who you are as well.

Eradicate Depression #11

You can't just throw out negative thoughts. They come right back like negative boomerangs. The only way to keep out negative thoughts is to put in something positive to take their place.

Eradicate Depression

I can't say that I have ever been depressed. There have been plenty of times that I have been down and discouraged, but I have never lost command and control or believed the negative thoughts that occasionally blow through my mind. But when I get down, I know the cure. All I have to do is climb into my Land Rover, and suddenly I feel great. Once I get behind the wheel of my Defender, I am instantly transported to a positive destination, and I know that life is good.

Negative Thinking Is A Warning

For most people, negative thinking is simply a sign of fatigue. Fatigue is normal; it isn't a pathological state, and it's a mistake to regard it as such. Fatigue makes cowards of everyone. When you are tired, your problems appear insurmountable. Although the horizon of life was clear only a few hours earlier, now mountains of difficulty suddenly loom into view. Your fears are now overwhelming. All of the hobgoblins of your subconscious mind dance merrily in front of your eyes.

Depression Self-Talk

You don't have to let the voice of depression control your inner dialogue. You can use positive self-talk to change the conversation. What you say to yourself determines the focus of your mind and helps you reestablish command and control over your thoughts. If you want to have a mind free from depression, nobody can stop you.

University Of Depression

The battle against depression is fought on the battlefield of focus. As long as you let depression do all the talking and control your mental focus, the battle is lost. It's impossible to win the battle until you go on the offensive and control the focus of your mind. If you are going to win the battle, you are going to have to discover the power of positive focus and use every tool at your disposal to develop and maintain a positive mental focus.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking

MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER TODAY WITH MAXIMUM STRENGTH POSITIVE THINKING. You have a lot of things to discuss with your mind, and Maximum Strength Positive Thinking tells you what you should be talking about. If you don't like what you hear when your mind talks to you, you have the power to change the message. Although the wheel of change turns slowly, it always turns in the direction of what you put into your mind. Maximum Strength Positive Thinking is now available in eBook Format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. INVEST IN A NEW LIFE TODAY AND PUT MAXIMUM STRENGTH POSITIVE THINKING INTO YOUR MIND.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking - David J. Abbott M.D.

Zero Tolerance To Negative Thinking

LEARN HOW TO STOP DOING DEPRESSION AND HOW TO WIN THE BATTLE FOR A POSITIVE MIND. The challenge you face in depression is to change the way you think. If you want to change the way you think and feel, you are going to have to change your inner dialogue. You are going to have to talk to your mind in a different manner. The battle for a positive mind is fought on the battlefield of focus. In order to break the back of depression, you will have to learn how to persistently and consistently control your mental focus. Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. SEND DEPRESSION PACKING TODAY.

Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking - David J. Abbott M.D.

Programmer's Manual For Your Mind

LEARN HOW TO PROGRAM YOUR MIND WITH A POSITIVE OPERATING SYSTEM. If you don’t program your mind, other people will. Whether you like it or not, you are engaged in mortal mental combat, and your mind is ground zero. If you let your culture, the media, the government, and politicians do the programming, you will be in real trouble. You will not be running your own mind. They will be running it. You will not be living your dreams. You will be living theirs.The Programmer's Manual for Your Mind is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. START REPROGRAMMING YOUR MIND TODAY.

Owner's Manual For Your Mind

LEARN HOW TO MAKE A LIFE AND HOW TO RUN YOUR MIND . Don't timidly tiptoe through life waiting to go for your dreams. You have only one life. The clock is ticking, there are no timeouts, and there is nothing to wait for. Today is the only day you can make your dreams happen. Seize the day. The Owner's Manual for your mind is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. USE THE OWNER'S MANUAL FOR YOUR MIND TO MAKE YOUR LIFE INTO WHAT YOU WANT IT TO BE TODAY.

Owner's Manual for Your Mind - David J. Abbott M.D.

Positive Christian Self-Talk

GET IN AGREEMENT WITH GOD ABOUT WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH YOUR LIFE. Jesus said, "As you believe, so shall it be done unto you." Jesus was talking about positive expectations. You don't get what you want, you get what you expect. It doesn't matter if your expectations are positive or negative, you still get what you expect. If you want positive self-talk to work its miracle in your life, all of your self-talk must be forged in the fires of positive expectations. Positive Christian Self-Talk is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. JUMP INTO GOD'S OCEAN OF LOVE AND HAVE A LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE WITH POSITIVE CHRISTIAN SELF-TALK TODAY.

Positive Christian Self-Talk Blue Book

Real Power: Maxingout On God's Love

LEARN HOW TO MAX OUT ON GOD'S LOVE. When your mind is full of thoughts consistent with God's love, your thoughts are healthy, and your mind is exactly the way God means for it to be. When your heart is full of emotions consistent with God's love, your emotions are healthy, and they are exactly the way God means for them to be. Real Power: Maxing Out on God's Love is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. REAL POWER IS AVAILABLE TODAY WHEN YOU MAX OUT ON GOD'S LOVE.

Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love - David J. Abbott M.D.

Quantum Self-Talk

IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO MAKE A QUANTUM LEAP TO THE NEXT LEVEL. Repeat quantum self-talk until your mind repeats it back to you. The power of repetition is immense, and when your mind starts repeating quantum self-talk back to you, hang on tight, because you are ready to make a quantum leap to the next level. You have thousands of quantum leaps to make, and quantum self-talk is a great place to start. Quantum Self-Talk is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. DON'T WAIT FOR YOUR LIFE TO IMPROVE. MAKE A QUANTUM LEAP TO A NEW LEVEL TODAY.

Positive Self-Talk Yellow Book

BANISH THE WORD IMPOSSIBLE FROM YOUR MIND. Many people believe change is impossible. Most of the time they are confusing personality with behavior. The basic human personality is relatively constant over time, but behavior can and does change. Personal change happens when people change the way they think. I have numerous patients formerly addicted to meth, cocaine, heroine, and alcohol, who escaped their addictions without ever going to rehab. They simply arrived at a point where they no longer wanted to be prisoners of their addictions. They changed their belief about who they are and what they can do, and they became a different person who was chemical free. Positive Self-Talk Yellow Book is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK AND FEEL TODAY.

Positive Self-Talk Gold Book

LEARN HOW TO CONTROL THE STORM OF THOUGHTS BLOWING THROUGH YOUR MIND. Life consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that blow through your mind. The events of life can be trivial, tragic, and even monumental in nature, but the events themselves have little power. It’s the storm of thoughts about those events that controls our lives. Those thoughts are the battleground where you come to your agreement with life. Those thoughts define who you are and what you can do. Positive Self-Talk Gold Book is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. IT'S TIME TO MAKE A POSITIVE WIND BLOW THROUGH YOUR MIND WITH POSITIVE SELF-TALK FROM DR. DAVE.

Positive Self-Talk Silver Book

LEARN TO SPEAK THE LANGUAGE OF THE MIND. Your brain speaks to you in its own language, and if you speak to it in the same way, it immediately responds in a powerful fashion. That’s why change proceeds most rapidly when you talk to yourself using the language of the mind. If you don’t speak the language of the mind, you may as well stop talking until you learn it. Positive Self-Talk Silver Book is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. YOUR MIND IS WAITING TO HEAR FROM YOU, SO SEND IT A POSITIVE MESSAGE TODAY.

Positive Self-Talk Purple Book

IT'S TIME TO START LIVING AS IF YOU ARE A GREAT PERSON. Living small serves no great purpose. Living as if you are a great person is a powerful idea that changes lives, and those who take it seriously change their world. Living as if you are great means you live as if your dreams are possible and work each day to make them happen. You act as if you cannot fail. If you ever become great, it will be because you think great thoughts, repeat great self-talk, have great expectations, and act as if you cannot fail. Positive Self-Talk Purple Book is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO START LIVING AS IF YOU ARE A GREAT PERSON.

Positive Self-Talk Red Book

IMAGINE HOW GOOD YOUR LIFE WOULD BECOME IF YOU HAD A CONSISTENTLY POSITIVE MIND. A persistently positive focus creates a consistently positive mind. The same is true of your self-talk. It must be persistent, positive, and specific to have maximum impact. Lack of persistentce has laid more dreams to rest in the cemetery of failure than any other cause. There is zero chance that you will succeed on your first attempt. If your dreams are great, you will fail again and again on your way to the top. Positive Self-Talk Red Book is now available at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. DEVELOP A PERSISTENTLY POSITIVE FOCUS TODAY WITH POSITIVE SELF-TALK FROM DR. DAVE.