Rockbridge Studios recorded and produced Too Many Drummers latest album "Made to Move".
Rockbridge is a Positive Music Machine collaborating with artists and songwriters to rock the world.
Rockbridge is more than a recording studio. It also designs artwork for album covers and assists people with songwriting.
Check out "Made to Move" and discover what the Positive Music Machine can do for you.
Captain, tell me what to do
Are the rumors all true
The storm's ahead
I've been talking to the crew
And after all that we've been through
We're still afraid
I'm digging deep
Cause this mountain's moving me
There's no retreat
Just a destiny to meet
I plant my feet
Cause this slope ain't slippin' me
My destiny isn't bound by gravity
Now I see there's nothing wrong with me
I"m wired differently
That's Ok
I was made to move past expectation to higher elevation of groove
I'm not crazy
I'm just made to move
Fast asleep for far too long
I slumber as we soldier on, awake
Awake, the rust must bleed
For heavens sake, awaken me
No more lines in the sand
This time I'll stand
Though I'm no so strong
Let every whisper tonight be prayers that I rely on
As one more breath invades my chest,
I know that Your're not finished with me yet
I can taste the ocean
I can feel the motion from here
I can touch the sunrise
I can hear the birds cry from here
And there's no turning back
Least of these
Pleased to meet you
Have we met before
I recognize it in your eyes
You're on the brink of going critical
You need a miracle
I traveled so far
I circled the sun
I questioned the stars and wished upon one
I stood at the edge and shouted my name
I couldn't relent until and answer came
Black and white fade to grey
As certainty slips away
But love won't leave me alone
It forces me to be known
All the things that I become in the course of my ambition
It's a carousel collision with who I'm meant to be
Lift up your head and lay your burdens down
No more regrets
They just don't matter now
Hope for the weary
I can hear my Father calling
Oh, we are not alone for our God is with us always